New Varian-Style Classic Pump Controllers

  • Manufactured by Duniway Stockroom Corp.
  • These units can be used with all manufacturers' pumps.
  • Purchase INCLUDES power cable.
Duniway part# Description Price Request Image
IPC-0062 Medium (8, 20, 30, 60 l/s) Ion Pump Control/Display, Half 19" Rack Package, Output: +3300 & -5200 volts, 200 mA. Input: 120/240 VAC. No longer available new. No longer available new. Inquire with us about used/rebuilt Duniway IPC-0062 or Varian 921-006
Duniway part# Description Price Request Image
IPC-0066 Large (110/140, 220/270, 400/500 l/s) Ion Pump Control/Display, Full 19" Rack Package, Output: +7200 & - 5200 volts, 675 mA.Input: 208/240 VAC
Duniway part# Description Price Request Image
48-CABLE1 Cable from PR-0048 Pressure Relay to Bakeout System, 10 ft. $100.00
Duniway part# Description Price Request Image
48-CABLE2 Cable from IPC-0062 or IPC-0066 to PR-0048 Pressure Relay, 10 ft. $130.00
Duniway part# Description Price Request Image
PR-0048 Pressure Relay for Bakeout Control with IPC-0062 and IPC-0066 Ion Pump Control/Display; Includes Cables

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